What do we learn in Year 3/4?

Year 3 is the first year of Key Stage 2. There will be less of a focus on phonics and more emphasis on understanding and learning spelling rules. In maths, your child will use the column method and will learn their 3, 4, and 8 times tables.

Year 4 is the second year of Key Stage 2. In June, Year 4 will take part in their multiplication tables check; children will be expected to recall their times tables from 1 to 12 in a timed test. Any questions regarding this please speak with Mrs Brayshaw who will be only too happy to help.


Our curriculum

For ideas to support your child’s learning at home, check out our learning resources page.

Knowledge organisers

These documents include the key facts and information that your child should know and understand about each topic.

Our gallery

What have we been getting up to?

The teachers are supportive and understanding; we are really pleased with the progress our daughter has made in Year 3.
— Parent of year 3/4 child