Collective Worship

Worship: To worship is to show love and adoration for something

Collective Worship

We participate in an act of Collective Worship every day either whole school, led by the Rev. Ruthi from St. James’ Church, Mrs. Hulme & Mr. Paton or led by teachers in class.

Our Collective Worship is central to the life of the school; indeed it is a thread which runs through the lives of our children and staff. Adults and children will often refer to stories or examples used in our Collective Worship when discussing situations or problems they are dealing with.

Each Collective Worship is opened and closed by our designated class Collective Worship Councillors. To open our whole school Collective Worship, each class hangs a felt heart onto a tree placed at the front of the hall, once all hearts have been placed on the tree, this signifies that we have all come together as a school community to worship through story or song. At the end of Collective Worship, the Councillors remove the hearts, place them back into the boxes and return them to class.

For our class worship, there is a half-termly theme. The children reflect on these themes through discussion and short activities; they think about how these themes apply to their own lives and the lives of others.



Monday & Tuesday: Whole school Collective worship is held at 10:10 am and lasts approximately 20 minutes.

Wednesday & Thursday: Class worship is held at 2:55 pm and lasts approximately 15 minutes.

Friday: Celebration Worship is led by the Headteacher and is held at 14:30 in the school hall. A pupil from each class receive either ‘Pupil of the Week’ or a ‘Dojo Award’. We also celebrate achievements from outside of school, giving as many children as possible the opportunity to feel valued and celebrated. All parents/carers are invited to attend to celebrate our children’s achievements. We end our Celebration Worship by saying our Friday Blessing.


Bless our school

Help us to be honest, kind, and polite.

Help us to aim high in the way we are with one another and the way we approach challenges.

Teach us to be responsible, independent and



Easter service was lovely, very child led with lots of singing by the children and parents. There was also a beautiful meditation board with hearts inscribed by kids with all the things they were grateful for or wishes for a more peaceful world.
— Parent
Our School Vision display made by Worship Club

Our School Vision display made by Worship Club