Toilet Paper Solar System
How big is our Solar System?
Object | Mean distance from Sun (km) | Number of sheets from Sun | Number of sheets from previous object |
Mercury | 57,909,175 | 6 | 6 |
Venus | 108,208,930 | 11 | 5 |
Earth | 149,597,890 | 15 | 4 |
Mars | 227,936,640 | 23 | 8 |
Jupiter | 778,412,020 | 78 | 55 |
The sheer size of space is often hard to express but Year 5/6 tried their best - despite the wind - to carry out an investigation in the playground. The distance of each planet from the Sun can be demonstrated using toilet paper, apparently!
Working in groups, the children were given a roll of toilet paper, each planet (blow-up planets) and a Sun. The children carefully unravelled the correct amount of toilet roll to show the relative distance from the Sun for each planet in turn. Once each distance was measured out, a child held the planet at the correct toilet roll sheet.
The table on the right gives you some idea of the amount of toilet roll needed…..