We are in the News!!


Year 3 & 4 Water leak on Church lane investigation.

As our school are all very conscious of the environment, we have been really worried about the burst water pipe outside school in Church lane. It began on the 13th of May and has been leaking for the last 38 days.

Year 3 & 4, decided to investigate this matter and set off with jugs, a bucket and a stopwatch. The first challenge was to catch the water efficiently. Struggling to scoop it up with one jug, we decided to use a few jugs at once and fill them as much as possible and then pour this into the big bucket. We did this a few times with different children doing the scooping, so that we would make it as fair a test as possible. Every time we did this, we found in 30 seconds we collected 9 litres of water! We were amazed as there was even more water that we couldn’t catch.

We took this knowledge back to class to do some serious number crunching. We calculated some big figures and were horrified at the amount of water lost over the 38 days! It came to about 1 million litres of water! 219,969 gallons,

1 cubic metre is 1000 litres, which is around 12 baths full of water or 3,334 cups of tea!

Yorkshire Water charges £1.79 per cubic metre used! £1,790 charge for the lost water on church lane

Here are the calculations we worked out:

1, How much water is lost every minute?

2, How much water is lost every hour?

3, How much water is lost every day?

4, How much water is lost every week?

5, How much water has been lost since it began?