Hebden Royd Town Council: End of Year Celebration Climate Café

Our Eco Council attended the end of year HRTC Climate Café event at the Town Hall on Thursday 13th June.

We met at Calder Holmes Park with the other primary schools taking part: Riverside, Burnley Road and Scout Road. We then marched from the park to the town hall carrying the banners and sun catchers we’d made at previous Climate Café events.

The children from each school gave a presentation about all of the wonderful projects they’d been carrying out at school and why it is of the utmost importance that climate be top of the agenda for our children’s futures.

There was a really interesting presentation given by Anthony Arak (an expert on moths and moorlands) who spoke about the biodiversity and ecology of the moorlands.

We rounded off the morning with a cold drink of juice before making some amazing puppets of moorland wildlife led by Sue Walpole.