

6 of our school councillors were present at the first Hebden Royd Council meeting where we met the mayor and Mr Keat who is a representative of The Bishop Simeon Trust. Whilst the Mayor (Dr Stow) explained her role and what the role of the Town Council was Mr Keat told us about his work with Bishop Simeon Trust in the South African townships. When children want their voices heard there they draw a simple 4 picture comic storyboard to get the message across. We were all challenged to come back to school and think about things we would like to see changed in and around Hebden. Jack is holding the example we looked at. In April we will reconvene and take the best four back to the council for them to pick as their next focus for their ongoing town improvement works. Miss Hannan came with us as she is going to be helping the School Council get the most out of their year in post.

Joelle McNicholcommunity, smsc